March 18, 2009

Meeting Attendance: 15 Members 3 Guests

We were Inspired By: Eileen

Happy Rotarians this week were: Wally, Ottie, Eileen,

Tommy Miller Tribute has set up 900+ address signs in the District
Health Fair 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. April 18th (pre blood draw April 4th 7:00 - 12:00)
Cowboy Luau - April 21st Billy Goat Saloon
Amy has resigned as CLub Secretary Her service is much appreciated! - Thank you Sandi for taking on this position

Exciting Happenings:

Roy Crow won the flowers AGAIN!
Katie reviewed the new Site with the club - Minutes will now be posted on the site


La Plata County Comprehensive Community Plan:
A great and informative presentation of the County Comprehensive Community Plan reivewing how all of the pieces work together. Consultants have been hired to review County wide plans to encompass them into the overall Plan. Each individual Plan will be included in the overall makeup of the Community Plan and utilized as an implementation to make the Plan work.
A great quote ended the session: "If we don't plan our Community someone else will" Lyman Orton

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